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戦国Ⅱ (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku II, Records of Kitano Shrine, Diary of Nagaoki Shukuren, Chōkyō 1, 1487)
戦国Ⅱ (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku II, Records of Kitano Shrine, Diary of Nagaoki Shukuren, Chōkyō 1, 1487)
十六日、幕府、北野社領加賀国福田荘及び山代(やましろ)本郷の名主沙汰人に命じて、同社松梅院禅予の代官に年貢以下を進納させる。 「北野社家記録」長享元年(一四八七年) るに依り追放される候、御師職に至れば、松梅院禪豫(ぜんよ)に仰せ付らるる之旨、御 判成されおわぬ、代官入部之上は、年貢・諸公事以下、先々の如く厳密に其沙汰致すべき 之由、仰せ出される候也、仍って執達の件の如し、 This document refers to the appointed of a certain Zenyo, presumably in the position of Oshi (a type of guide for travelers) for both Fukuda no shō and Yamashiro Hongo. Apparently the previous daikan, a certain Zenchin, had (according to other sources) failed to fulfill his duty in the service of the shōgun against the Rokkaku family, and thus had been punished by being banished from his post. This document basically instructs the peasantry (the upper levels of the peasantry, meaning those of otona and dogō status) to obey the directives of the new daikan and see to it that tithes were collected. We can only speculate on why Zenchin had been negligent in his response, yet it provides an interesting diversion. 「北野社家記録」長享元年(一四八七年) に依り其身追放さるる、御師職に至れば、元の如く松梅院禪豫に仰せ付けらるる之上は、 年貢・諸公事以下、先規に任せ厳密其沙汰致すべし、緩怠有るべからず之由、仰せ出さる る候也、仍って執達の件の如し、 當所名主沙汰人中 p.374 This document resembles the first, but more specifically deals with the matters of Tomitsuka shō, which was part of the property of Kitano Guji. The details tell of the appointment of Zenyo to the position of Oshi, and how all matters are expected to be resolved as before. This content, in other words, resembles that of Fukuda, with the peasantry (again the upper echelons) instructed by the Bakufu to continue paying their tithes and performing public duties as before. Note that two months had passed until this document was sent after the first one to Fukuda 一、北野宮寺領加賀國富墓庄の事、禪椿(ぜんちん)に於いては、罪科有る に依り其身追放さるる、御師職に至れば、元の如く松梅院禪豫に仰せ付けらるる之上は、 年貢・諸公事以下、先規に任せ厳密に其沙汰致すべき之旨、奉書成されおわぬ、存知され るべき之由、仰せ出さるる候也、仍って執達の件の如し、 Again, a reference to Kitano Guji, however the addressee this time is the local kokujin administrator of the Shibayama family. This same family had been involved in incidents of ōryō in the past, yet here they were being instructed to ensure that tithes were paid and that public duties were performed as expected. It was sent on the same day as the previous document to the peasantry, and so obviously the Bakufu wanted to ensure that both sides knew what their obligations would be. The following provides details on why Zenchin was expelled: 「北野社家引付」長享三年六月二十日条 「禪椿追放之事」 一、當社御師松梅院禪椿の事、今度御勤座に就き供奉せしむべき之旨、之を申し入れると 雖も、社頭警固(けいこ)を致すべき之段、堅く仰せ付らるる候の處、自由參懃言語道斷 次第也、所詮御師職を改めて追放さるる之由候おわぬ、各(おのおの)存知さるるべし、 若し許容之族あれば、同罪處さるるべき之上は、交名注ぎ申さるるべき之由の所仰せ下さ るる也、仍って執達の件の如し、 北野宮寺司官中 p.357-358 This document outlines the reason why Zenchin was expelled from his position as daikan. At the time of the expedition against the Rokkaku, Zenchin had been given responsibility to act as the guard (Shatō Keiko) for the shōgun`s residence at Sakamoto. However Zenchin decided to carry out his orders in a lax manner (Jiyū Sankin). Hence he was relieved of his position of Oshi and expelled. Any other who acted in a similar manner would meet the same fate. 「長興宿禰記」長享元年十月五日条 五日、辛未、晴陰定めず、(中略) 坊舎・知行分等社增三人預かり置かるると云々、今度御進發、彼法師在陣の事、御免無く 之處、推參之間御咎(とがげ)有り、其外不儀子細等之在ると云々、p.358 This is more of an extrapolation on the last document (by a different diarist, Nagaoki Shukuren Ki), stating that Zenchin had run from his duties at Sakamoto, which forced the shōgun to hire three monks from the residence at Sakamoto to perform the role of security for the shōgun. This action by Zenchin was deemed unforgivable and outrageous. This documents also states that Zenchin had been accused of other `travesties`. |